Thursday, May 29, 2008

Veni David Bazan and Sing a Song of My Lost Home

Song #1

All the way up here
I was thinking it over
I wished we could drink some beer
And work it out
My lungs were burning
I was starting to worry
I couldn’t catch my breath
Or slow my heart beat
We took your photograph
We thought we’d would have a few good laughs
At your expense
Here You thought we were your friends
I guess now you know
Or do you?
Are they really people like that?
Or is this guy just...
Making shit up
for pity parties
and feeling sorry for himself?
we were begging for mercy
You were holding a gas can
You had our hands tied
behind our backs.
I started crying
Cause I thought it was over
You pulled a matchbook
from your back pocket.
We took your photograph
We thought we’d have a few good laughs
At your expense
Here You thought we were your friends
I guess now you know
We knew you were half and half
But we never knew you were a psychopath
Or that you’d have the last laugh
I guess now we know

And Song #2

You don't regret it. i don't regret it anymore.
I'm supposed to call you to make sure you know
I know it's over you've known it's over for awhile
Why the smoke screen why can't you say what you mean
All the stolen kisses all the pink and brown
If you want to end it babe just pull the plug and shut it down
No one sees it coming but every body knows
If you want the money you just have to take it.
If you don't regret it then what's with you staring at the floor
All remorseful like you're not sure what happened
All the stolen kisses all the pink and brown
If you want to end it you just pull the plug and shut it down
No one sees it coming but every body knows
If you want the money then just have to take it
Or you'll never make it

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