Thursday, April 17, 2008

Reflections as Time Passes

Life is so immeasurably important and so measurably short.

I have trudged through the soils of the earth seeking truths from molecules, and have gotten dirty in the process. Overwhelmed by my options, I want to arrive at a point of less divergences. There are many ways to skin a cat, but if you fight over how to get the job done like the trolls in the Hobbit, you'll invariably lose the ability to skin the cat.

So I take my blade and raise it to the sky and say that this is the way to end the battles, and hope that I get a chance to make a meal that provides sustenance to body and mind.

But will this hunt murder my conscience?

All signs say no, but voices around me murmur a hushed yes, don't do it.

I must shun the advice of others when the message of my heart says this is the right way. Dial a cliche.


foldreformer said...

Would you care to expound? The answer may lie in one of many of your more recent posts, but forgive me, I just want a shortcut!

foldreformer said...

I have to state that the author of the above comment is the femme foldreformer, but you probably already guessed that.

contrarian 78 said...

I wrote this post in an intentionally shrouded manner. I wanted to conjure images of death and decay because I've been feeling the desire to be a research professor getting grants etc. die away. But of course there's a grand difference between knowing what I don't want to do and knowing what I do want to do.